home | starbreaker.org
a white version of the Adversaries' tattoo from my Starbreaker saga


rock operatic science fantasy (and more) by Matthew Graybosch


This is my personal website and blog. I also publish my fiction here. It is increasingly an online commonplace book or digital garden as I try to migrate away from blogging, though I prefer the former metaphor.

You are welcome to bookmark this website or subscribe to one of my feeds. If you have any questions or comments, or just want to say hi, by all means email me.

Start Here

These are the pages one might usually expect to find on a personal website.

  • about
  • contact
  • now
  • ideas
  • nope
  • interests
  • wishlist
  • blogroll
  • feeds
  • downloads
  • colophon
  • My Grimoire

    I might like commonplace book better than digital garden, but I like having my own grimoire best of all.

  • listening
  • reading
  • playing
  • thinking
  • surfing
  • webcraft
  • GNU Emacs
  • My Fiction

    The dark lord wears white.
    He already rules the world.
    Now he means to save it.
    He just might succeed, too...

    ...with a little help from his enemies.

    If you want to know more, all of novels and shorter works are available on this website.

    My Latest Posts

    You can see more on my blog’s home page or subscribe to my RSS feeds.


    My website is part of the following webrings.

    An IndieWeb Webring 🕸💍
    Hotline Webring
    ... Loop Ring ?
    Retronaut Webring
    Melonland Surf Club ?

    If you want to add me to your own webring, and it doesn’t depend on JavaScript, please email me.


    You might want to read this before continuing, but I won’t force you.

    caveat lector: let the reader beware!

    This is a personal website. I make liberal use of profanity in my writing and discuss topics that are not appropriate workplace reading. I publish fiction here that may not be appropriate for young or sensitive readers.

    I operate this website in my leisure time and at my own expense. All opinions posted are my own unless attributed, and free to a good home. I do not speak for or represent my employers, or their clients and partners, on this website.

    None of my viewpoints should be construed as neutral or objective. I am thoroughly biased. My worldview is generally irreligious, anticapitalist, and antiauthoritarian.

    I am neither a journalist nor an expert in any of the topics in which I take an interest, though I make an effort to do research when writing. Nevertheless, nothing I post here should be considered factual unless independently verified. Discretion on the part of the reader is required. Children under 13 must consult a parent or guardian before reading further.

    Thanks for Visiting

    I hope you’ll be back soon. If you enjoyed my site please tell your friends. Otherwise, by all means tell your enemies.