welcome to remblanc 1.1

["javascript" edition]

hi, i'm remi, welcome to my website. really appreciate that you're taking your time to look around this page, thanks.

i am an aspiring blogger and a video essayist, and this page's purpose is to facilitate my creativity in both of those directions, which i think it is doing quite well so far. you can find out more about me on my profile page.

my planned projects for both this page and my youtube channel are likely to involve certain degree of curation, highlighting and sharing things that i feel are worthy of my time, with intent of showing said works to others in hopes that it might interest them as well. the plans i have are rather elaborate, and currently are not reflected in much of this page, but i have ideas for this to be showcased at the latter date.

status updates

quick stream-of-consciousness posting: the way i would run a microblog had it been a public square like big social media

[press on the titles to show/hide statuses]

[3 jun 2024] gushing at what once was

these are side notes to my previous status, which is a recovered entry from a certain dead personal website.

the means by which i backed this entry up along with many written works from the website (without using internet archive) is going to be quite an interesting story for another day, but i really wanted to shout out the brilliancy of certain design decisions on biko’s site, which i’m awed by the more i explore the wrecks i managed to salvage.

this particular entry was based in the site’s “garden” section. i’m awed by this page because its navigation, informed by pure-html authoring workflow, was ingeniously low-tech, relying purely on id-based linking and plaintext hashtags, which encouraged the users to ctrl+f a given entry or category. the plain-sight visibility of metadata makes the browsing rather joyful even in the face of reference link rot this backup is infested with, and i am very delighted by that.

[the preview below is unstyled/does not represent how it looked originally]

layout of the garden section of bikobatanari's website, showcasing the aforementioned features in action

fun fact, every status on this site has an attached id, which i intentionally added for easy cross-referencing for whenever i need to do that. i already showcased it above by linking to the status where i originally mentioned the entry i am talking about, but it is in fact a direct inspiration from biko’s garden that i just didn’t bother to visibly expose for now as it was on that page. i’m thinking of making it even more alike by bringing in the hashtag functionality, which is probably gonna have more of a dynamic flair due to me being able to supercharge it with an SSG.

[3 jun 2024] a remark on [not] revealing one's own age online

on 11th of march, 2024, i wrote a response to a remark posted by bikobatanari on why they preferred not to show their age on their site (you can read it here). since they seemingly left the internet for good a while ago, i figure that as the means of my personal opposition to link rot, i’d republish it for the sake of maintaining a living reference/context to what exactly i was even responding to. i originally left it vague to encourage some thoughtful exploration of biko’s site, but since it’s dead, i don’t think i have any other option to preserve the reference in the first place.

it’s quite an admirable way of looking at one’s age relative to online presence, i’d say. also, now that i think more about it, my original response makes me look even more like a doofus for not fully understanding what they were getting at.

I used to have my age plastered somewhere in my About page a few years back, but I removed it since it doesn’t add anything to my work other than satiating people’s curiosity.

I suppose I removed it as a way to reduce initial judgment and expectations regarding who I am and what I say. My age is not particularly important to the context of my writing anyway.

People can be somewhat quick to judge someone based on their age. It’s a decent heuristic, but there are always some exceptions—I’ve seen teenagers more mature than some 30-year-olds out there. They’re not common, but they do exist (though, given how things are shaping up right now, I think that such a thing will become exceedingly rare—if it’s not already).

If you were to read a large majority of my writings, you’ll inevitably see some hints about where I’m at in life, so you could deduce (or even find) what age range I’m in. Shouldn’t be too hard.

[30 may 2024] going on an indefinite break

i feel like it is necessary for me to take focus away from my website and to heal up, partly mentally, partly physically.

for quite some time i’d been trying to make myself more productive, set up systems just to be able to do more things more consistently. i finally more-or-less got myself a working idea for such system, and i am kind of proud of myself for actually doing things i want to do now. this past month i feel like i have done more things than i was able to just a month prior, and i should give myself all the credit for coming up with a system that finally works for me without serious hiccups. it is still being constantly iterated upon, and i will probably be sharing it for the productivity nerds out there sometime in the future.

my problem with having a well-oiled productivity system is that working is something i feel like i need to be doing less of. for the past few, idk, years i felt like a constant failure in terms of being able to do things. that put me in a constant mindset where i judged my self-worth by my output, by the work i do. and being able to do work better does not solve the core issue at hand.

to put it simply, i forgot how to rest. everything feels like work now. the time for work is work. the time outside work is the time not spent doing work. even resting in my mind needs to be a productive activity of some kind, while the rest i do have is not something i feel satisfied with. i feel like a drone doing it, and it doesn’t feel refreshing at all to me.

worst thing of all, trying to fix this state also feels like work. and that sucks. it really sucks.

i will still be doing some journaling for 280, as well as maintaining comms and peeping on retrospring along with my guestbook. anything serious is gonna be on hold, though, and i’m sorry for not even properly talking about what i am actually working on.

gtg bye for now.

[23 may 2024] service updates

i have a guestbook now. come sign off in my guestbook.

also, i gained a new presence. don’t bother much with it, though.

=> gemini://remblanc.cities.yesterweb.org

[22 may 2024] the gift of prophesy

of course just as i predicted in my previous status my day lowkey got to shit and i’m not even doing stuff i want to do lol anyway here’s my topster for no reason my topster chart lol

[status archive]

recent posts

collection of focused works of sizeable length that i am meant to give some thought to. results may vary.

this section currently hasn't seen an update in quite a solid while, even though i have not at all forgotten about its presence. it's just that writing is kind of a serious commitment, and commitments are something that i am not great at managing.

[post archive]

some cool info and stats regarding this page

this page was created on 26 feb 2024 and last updated on 30 may 2024. it has been visited 28217 times apparently, and of all the people who've seen it there are at least 52 nekoweb users who appear to be interested in seeing this page more.

serving as a guide back to this homepage in the bottom left corner is miorine rembran from the hit anime series mobile suit gundam the witch from mercury. it is absolutely free on youtube and i wholeheartedly recommend checking it out

cool remi fun facts

remi last listened to JOYRIDE by BABii.

web places i find cool

[if you are browsing this on desktop, you can hover over every single featured button/page to read my thought streams on each given entry]

nekowebdimdenxtractmelankorinocram ratteshigamaia arson crimewlaura sofiathe absolute realmpe3rlangelnetcastkitmeowgreen's websitenintengunnerdistrictsFourStarwappydogincessantpaincorru.observernatumoedatafruits.fmdeathlobotomymax's apartmentdariusaurem essexcirculararchaeoramblingsrice

noteworthy sites i couldn't find buttons for:

garden of remembrance

[in memory of the perished links and the withered branches of communication]


link my button

i did not plan to make a button for myself until 1.0 but due to the non-zero demand for it here's a high quality button you can put on your webpage. hotlinking it is fine because i will definitely be replacing it out of sheer embarassment.


<a href="https://remblanc.nekoweb.org"><img src="https://remblanc.nekoweb.org/images/button.png" alt="remblanc" title="this quirk of my button link is not very likely to reach many of its users at this point"></a>

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