
about interests writing collected diary joined map links
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welcome to my website!

this is where i post all sorts of things that interest me. snippets of my writing, pixel/blinkies/etc collections, shrines for my fav things, and more!

as i'm a beginner in both html and css, please excuse the mess. many pages or features don't work yet. website is a work in progress.

priority to do:
  • add homepage for interests
  • new layout for /about
  • add more info on zines page
  • add navigation buttons on subpages

reg to do:
  • add individual writing pages
  • add more links on links page
  • add site music
  • add collection pages for cds, movies, + books

to find the fansites, cliques, listings, and webrings i've joined, please click here. useful links, neocities neighbors, and resources are at this page.

my sorted blinkies and buttons are right here!

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