Banner for marshdotcom's Neocites site. The background is a dark blue with silver stars sprinkled throughout and a rainbow going across a part of the banner. On top to the far left there is text that reads 'marshdotcom' with the site's URL directly below.

thank you for visiting! have a wonderful day/night.
Gif of a pixel cloud gently moving up and down.
Icon for the Administrator window in Windows XP. update log
Image of a light blue rectangular text bubble.06/11/24Gif of text that reads 'NEW'. It diagonally cycles through the colors of the rainbow.
  • added art page and 404 page, rearranged profile page's windows, and updated all pages for better mobile responsiveness.
  • buttons from other sites will soon replace the text in the topmost marquee on the home page.
  • as of this update, there is currently 1 secret page!

Image of a light blue rectangular text bubble.05/29/24
  • all pages are now responsive! depending on your screen width, some features (such as draggable windows) may not be available.

Image of a light blue rectangular text bubble.05/24/24
  • slowly adding webrings & cliques.
  • rearranged windows on the home page.
  • debating on whether to remove the "featured song" window to make things feel less cramped, but idk i like it :[

Image of a light blue rectangular text bubble.05/23/24
  • updated home page and added profile page! :]

Image of a light blue rectangular text bubble.05/04/24
  • full overhaul underway.

Image of a light blue rectangular text bubble pixel.08/29/23
  • slowly getting the site all fixed up. please mind your step.
visit count
webrings & cliques
Icon for Internet Explorer in Windows XP. featured song
Icon for messages from Windows XP. live chat
Image of a speech bubble with a blue, bold i with serif inside. window symbol key:
= collapsible
= draggable
Icon for the computer in Windows XP. navigation
Icon for Internet Explorer in Windows XP. site button
Button for marshdotcom's Neocities website.
please do not hotlink,
upload to your own server!
Icon for Internet Explorer in Windows XP. my links
Icon for the Notepad program in Windows XP. untitled - notepad
Gif of pixel art showing a seaside lounging area with a small rainbow in the background. Gif of pixel art showing a green sunny, flowering landscape with a rainbow partially hidden among bubbling clouds. Gif of pixel art showing the ocean from shallow water, clouds ahead and seagulls in the air. Gif of a closed glass jar full of color that's swirling inside. The jar is from the video game Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter.

welcome to my site! i put this place together so that i could have somewhere to put all of my interests and creations.

this site is best experienced on desktops! if you're on mobile, you may need to zoom out so the site can show properly.
hover over or long press the "i" bubble in the navigation to learn your way around! any in-progress pages will show as locked.

Blinkie of a MS Paint color palette. Yellow and black blinkie that reads 'SITE IN PROGRESS!!'. It resembles caution tape in color and appearance. Blue blinkie that reads 'bitten by the blinkie bug', it looks like something took a bite out of the top left corner of the image. Light blue blinkie that reads 'I dream in pixels.', a cloud can be seen behind the text to the left. Light gray blinkie that reads 'DA BLINKIE?!', referencing the 'Da Vinky' Twins whose faces are partially shown to the left. White badge that reads 'PRIDE!' with a vertical rainbow to the left. Black blinkie that reads 'Trans rights, baby!' White badge that reads 'FREE PALESTINE!' with the Palestinian flag to the left. White badge that reads 'FREE CONGO!' with the Congolese flag to the left. White badge that reads 'KEEP EYES ON SUDAN' with the Sudanese flag to the left. White badge that reads 'FREE YEMEN!' with the Yemeni flag to the left. White blinkie with rotating CDs that move off to the right. Green blinkie that reads 'I love music' with two rotating CDs on either side. Blinkie of a MS Paint color palette.