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The Frugal Gamer Homepage: retro design, art, projects, and other fun toys You’ve reached the home of The Frugal Gamer. This is a personal site where I showcase things I’ve made and stuff I think about, as well as some of the games I play. I've been hanging around on the internet since about the late 1990s, and I've tried all the trends that have come through. Social media seems to be the "thing" these days, but I feel like it leaves me feeling fragmented and empty after a while. I began to miss having a space that I really control, and isn't sold to others for advertising purposes. So, I decided to dip into being a website owner again.

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Email me! Or not, you don't have to Stuff I've made for you Check out my peertube - self hosted videos! Reviews of games and software! Read my blog, you know you want to

The Frugal Network

I've amassed quite a collection of websites that serve different interests. Check them out below!

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Fanlistings To Build Trust and Rapport With Visitors

The Gameboy Advance fanlisting The N64 fanlisting the Gamecube fanlistings the Webrings fanlisting the Tea fanlisting the Super Mario Bros. fanlisting the Adopted and Rescued Cats fanlisting the halloween fanlisting the Princess Bride fanlisting the Sailor Moon R fanlisting The Luna from Sailor Moon fanlisting The Sailor Venus fanlisting The Sailor Mercury fanlisting The Chibi-Usagi fanlisting The Sailor Pluto fanlisting The Sims 3 fanlisting The Minecraft fanlisting