vintage dog muzzle png green cubic crystal rotating gay symbol gif surreal robot gif surreal head png hi hat gif ugly 3d graphic paint bucket vintage dog muzzle png

rotating safety pin rotating safety pin


update log

5/15/2024 - it's Nakba Rememberance Day. I've added even more educational links to my links page for learning about history of the Nakba (catasrophe). I also did some dead link maintenance but thats not nearly as important.

4/18/2024 - changed the favicon FINALLY. i didn't have any ideas so it's just a pic of me again. I'm like that greek guy with the pool. oh I also removed one link from my fun stuff page because it got flagged as malware. probably a false flag based on which site it was but better safe than sorry.

4/14/2024 - added site credits page. updated to dos!

4/13/2024 - happy homestuck day. updated my fun stuff page with more buttons. also added a disclaimer over my portfolio that the javascript is busted. I'm looking into it. slowly. I'm looking into johnny silverhand more okay

4/6/2024 - bisexualism webring code added. dont expect updates for a bit IM SORRY i redownloaded cyberpunk 2077

3/30/2024 - remade about. well. I STARTED remaking my about. it's closer to what I originally wanted now. I still have some more work to do, but it works for now. It's... readable on all devices. Except blackberry. Really hoping no one needs that.

3/12/2024 - made my AI page. comms are open now. wooooo

3/6/2024 - added a few more links to my fun stuff page- including some actual buttons! only like a dozen or so because those little suckers are hard to find. more tech resources and file sharing resources. elaborated on the ones that might not be super self explanatory, like that massive reddit megathread. also fixed my days without nicotine counter on this page because it broke. oopsie. didn't relapse I promise. might actually manage to go a few days without updating for once- I'm gonna learn about the world of mp3 downloading. those winamp skins are calling my name.

3/3/2024 - still tweaking the about page so that it's ugly in a fun way and not just ugly ugly. look, camp is a fine art, and I'm not exactly John Waters. This takes some work.

3/1/2024 - made my about page even uglier. more css tweaking. added some fun graphics here and there again.

2/27/2024 - music files are now hosted on and the music player has been replaced with adilene's music player . this was because SCM music player used a minor cookie and a youtube embed and I don't want any cookies on my site whatsoever. This does mean that the music player no longer follows you from page to page so just like. idk. open this page in another tab. sorry. following you from page to page takes cookies. anyways it took a lot of work to remake the playlist which means that it's become this weird lovingly made mixtape instead of just a handful of youtube links that I pasted together.

2/24/2024 - portfolio is mobile responsive. kinda. it's like a good omelette. ugly but does its job. also updated the CSS so the homepage looks better on ipad/chromebook? listen man it was bothering me.

2/23/2024 (again) - portfolio is much faster now and the results are virtually indistinguishable if you disable javascript. at least they were on my devices. pls let me know if there's an issue for you. While I was at it I added some recent pieces including a new NSFW section. I also wrapped up my update on the fun stuff page finally: some new links, new visuals, and a new div for guides on making websites so I can bully my friends into learning frontend too

2/23/2024 - sorry I'm hyperfixating. probably not leaving the top of your neocities feed for a bit. I work right on the site, no batch uploading here. working out the kinks in my portfolio today. Hopefully when I'm done it'll load faster with graceful javascript degradation. huge thanks to melonking's image gallery maker

2/22/2024 - miscellaneous tinkering. added a couple minor visuals across the site. added updates box obviously. updated to-do list.

no smoking symbol 3d rotating


no smoking symbol 3d

site functions pretty well if you disable javascript. In fact, if you have a slow computer and the site is struggling, I'd suggest disabling javascript. It's all cosmetic effects and stuff.

fight the rich not their wars pin are we kinder and gentler yet pin strong communities make cops obsolete pin ask not what lesbians can do for you but what you can do for a lesbian pin peace now pin gays for socialism pin support mental health or I'll kill you pin you nasty man you pin

war is not healthy for children and other living things sign my guestbook keith haring pin

marxist mafia of the lavender left pin eat fuck kill pin friend pin we love our faggots pin how dare you presume I'm not transsexual pin never support apartheid states pin a better world is possible communist pin anarchist black flag pin bread not bombs pin harrison ford blade runner pin enemy of the state pin frankenstein this turns me on pin

more site pages

how to ask for a commission | about my username | about Non-Epileptic Seizures | Defending yourself against AI (for dummies) | site credits

site button to use if you wanna link back here

blue crescent moon mask png phone with a knife through it rotating dancing girl gif

to do