
Hello my name is KΓ©vin and I write things on the internet πŸ‘‹

This is my personal domain with my personal things that you may explore at your leisure.

As I write and rewrite parts of this site, I am reminded of all the websites I see today and in the past that seem to have been created by crazy people with crazy ideals. I can assure you that I am in fact one of those people today ✌️

I’m always changing this site, never feeling the vibe or aesthetic so you’ll never know what you’ll find and how you’ll find it next.

It is a mix between a long running blog journal and an eclectic mesh of ideas, concepts, and other dumb things. I’ve also been bringing back from my archives all the little projects I’ve done, using the Wayback Machine getting some of my really old stuff out from cyberspace dust.

In the end I am a real human who does real things and I’m very good at them (allegedly) like self-hosting, making websites, and being a nice person all around.

To briefly give a bit of information some of the projects I’m looking to do here (other than my amazing food blog) is writing / sharing my experience with getting back in to the Commodore 64, Amiga, and Minitel. Maybe doing a Podcast, not sure on what and why. And of course whinging about servers giving me bad vibes.

Otherwise this is a mash of things and ideas.

Am I currently in a neon vibe ? Yes

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