Welcome to the Mukky's World website!

And welcome to the future...

I'm Mukky, and this is my website! Here, you'll find blog posts, videos, and more. This post stays up here, as well as the latest 3 updates.

Parts of this website are a work in progress, links may not work!

31 May 2024

The Good Ending

Plushie once stolen, is now in my hands!


Small blog post today but I'm happy so I wanna post!!
This is the Eggbug plushie, the mascot for cohost.org! It was supposed to be delivered to me roughly a month ago... but was stolen!! Porch pirates came by, opened my mailbox, (our landlord never provided us with a key to lock it) took the package out, opened the package on the spot, took the plushie out of the Makeship bag, and threw the bag and packaging onto the ground! It lookeded like a crime scene when I walked out. With what little income I do have to spend on hobbies like plushie collecting, I was devistated, to the point of tears. Why would someone steal a plushie of all things, of such an obscure website, and to leave the packaging all over the ground, as if to taunt me?!

Of course, I immedietly reached out to Makeship and the delievery company, to which the couriers responsed first, confirming (with pictures) that the package was delivered inside the mailbox. Makeship however... took THREE WEEKS.


However, when they FINALLY got back to me, it was a smooth proccess. They asked for an address, and I gave them a postal box address this time. I aint ever getting stuff delievered straight home anymore. A week later,


Now, while I do wish the original porch pirate a very stubbed toe tonight, now that I have my own Eggbug, I can only hope the thief is enjoying their plushie! Who am I to be mad when we BOTH have plushies now?! It's a win/win.

Anyway, short update, but I wanna do more of these little posts about life, cuz this is my net space and I can do what I want!!!!!!!

18 May 2024

The Playdate is Cool

This funky little handheld is neat as heck!!

Hey everyone! It's been a while since I've posted here, things have been REALLY busy! I've got some plans to update this website with some cool new blog posts, but those who've been paying attention will just have noticed all the commissions I've been uploading to the Gallery, yep, that's where half of my time has been lol.

The other half has been handhelds! I picked up my 2DSXL again and played some games on it, had a week-and-a-bit stint of Nintendogs, but forgot one day and felt too bad to return, I cannot face Suika now after all this time... I'm sorry young pup... aaaanyway, I also dug out my PSP and PSvitas, installed some new games and have been having a blast! The PSvita has gotta be one of the best handhelds ever released, it's the perfect size, feels great, plays great, and the games released were bangers! So sad Sony killed it, although I've heard rumours they're making a new handheld that can run PS4 games. I'd be down for that!

As the title of this post suggests tho, the Playdate is the one I've been spending the most time with. I got this dinky little thing when it was first released, though those familiar will know it came in waves due to it's popularity. I was in wave 3, so I've had this puppy for a while now. I got my season's worth of fun, then it kinda just sat in my drawer for ages, until now! I checked out the catalouge and got myself Mars After Midnight, a cute little game by Lucas Pope of "Papers Please" fame. It kinda feels similar to that where you gotta make let only the right kinda martians into your support group by checking for signs, although it's less oppressive commentary, and more funny alien mental health support group antics. The game I've sunk the most hours into is Labrynth, it's a Wizadry-like dungeon crawler with an addictive gameplay loop consisting of killing monsters, charming others onto your side, and slowly upgrading your gear to take on the lower levels. It's a quick, bite sized rougelike with deep enough mechanics to get me coming back. Makes me wish for a deeper version of the same game, maybe without permadeath, and more locations and hand-made levels? I like these types of games so I'd love to see more on the platform, it's oddly perfect?

Not just for games though, I've been using the Playdate as an alarm clock! I've had a terrible time of getting stuck to my phone in bed every morning as I dismiss the alarm and are immedietly presented with notifications from friends, YouTube, and the overwhelming desire to waste my morning through Instagram Reels, (Darn those reels!) so by taking my phone out of my room into the kitchen and subbing my alarm for the Playdate, who's screen I can't even see in the dark morning due to it's lack of backlight, my mornings have been much more productive! I get up, dismiss the alarm, and now I have no reason to stay in bed anymore. I go to the shower, have my morning clean, and end up in the Kitchen to make my breakfast, and check up on what I missed on my phone. By the time I sit down at my desk, I don't feel so bad, knowing I've gotten my morning routine completed!

Would I reccomend the Playdate? Sure, I've gotten my fun out of the device, I would. That being said, it is really expensive. For $200USD you can get yourself a lot of other things, but this little device is perfect for me. It's an indie-dev and indie-game-lover's pefect system. It's not for everyone, not at all, but for those who it appeals to, it's perfect. One day I'll make a game for it... one day......... eventually..............

Anyway, look forward to more blog posts in the near future, and I hope you have a wonderful day!

31 March 2024

I Love The Internet

I've only just begun my journey into exploring the outer web!

You may have noticed some changes on my website if you've been visiting over the past 24 hours, there's now a bunch of buttons, the links page is up, and hey see that cool thing on the right? hell yeah. Cool people, cool websites!! There was even a music player! (which I removed because it broke parts of the site, looking into alternitives!)

I've decided I'm gonna stop pinning so many websites to my browser, and keep start adding buttons to my site and using that to bookmark things! As you can see, it hasn't even been that long and I've already got a handful of awesome links! HUGE thank you to the peeps who submitted their links to me, if you wanna get added to the links page, send an email to baz.leverdesign@gmail.com with the subject line "Website Button - [YOUR SITE NAME HERE]" and I'll check it out!

I'm already looking to either start or join a webring, and the more I explore other's websites, the more inspired I get to add more cool things to my website!! I'm probably gonna axe the "Contact" page, put that info in the Profile page, and replace it with a "For You" page that'll include some neat goodies for other netizens to take and use as they see fit.

I've also gone and made my own button for y'all to use if you wanna add me to your website!! Check it out:

Pretty neat, huh?

I've learnt that working on my website and exploring other people's websites is like, totally my kind of hyperfixation. I don't think I've been this hyperfocused on something in many, many years. I feel like a kid again, and my imagination is running wild!!

The face of 'Mukky's World' is very public facing, and I feel feel like I wanna go ahead and create a new website that's a lot more personal, something where I can just add page after page of unique and cool web stuff, without having to worry about uniformity like I do for this website. Doesn't mean I'm gonna abandon this website at all, no of course not, this is my blog after all! Having two cool sites would just mean I can express myself more in a internet-y way :3

While I've got you here, here's a bunch of really cool websites I've found while exploring the web!

First we've got sadgirl.online, while it's now in an inactive "archived" state, it's still an inavaluable resource for those looking to get into building their own web spaces, like this one!

Lulu's website feels special. You can just feel the passion ooze from this page. It's full of amazing pages and interesting words, as well as some fun stuff!! If you love the old web, do yourself a favor and check out this one. Websites like these are what the internet was made for

I don't have too much to say about this one, it's just cool. Kit's mamaged to make their website's aesthetic just so...... on point...... I need to have a few pages that capture this vibe. Giving this a "Hell yeah".

Warp.zone is a treat for the eyes. The originality seen in the creation of this website is something to be marveled at, it's just so.... COOL!!!! Jumping from page to page gives me this feeling of excitement just wondering what's around the corner, it's so pretty!!!

If you wanna see all the websites I find cool or interesting, check out the Links page! I'm gonna be diving deeper and deeper into the web, and I hope you do too!!

If there's one takeaway from my exploration and creation, it's that making a website is super easy, and with neocities, it's free too! Everyone Should make a website. You should make a website!! I wanna see your website!!!!!!! Social media is a scourge! Bring back community!!! I'll stop now before I write a manifesto; because that's gonna be it's own page soon enough >:)

Keep exploring!! Be unashamedly yourself!! I'll see you in the next one :P

|| Retronauts Webring! ||

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