- Glitter Graphics

This site is best viewed on desktop.

When I found out about Neocities, I knew I had to create a website! I had more than one Geocities website back in the day, and I think it would be amazing if personal websites really became a thing again. The kind of creative expression and freedom that you can have on a website can't compare to the restrictiveness of social media. Ever since social media and blogging seem to have over taken the internet, a lot of the creativity of personal websites is diminished.

So I thought it would be awesome if I could contribute to a resurgence of personal websites and creativity on the internet. Bring back the wild west of the internet!

Take a listen to my playlist at the top of the page and leave a message in my guestbook if you like!

Thanks for visiting!

Visit these awesome Neocities sites!:

Visit Melonking.Net!


Previous <<< The Retronaut Webring >>> Next

-Added a bunny for the bunny garden pixel club!
-Added a guestbook and got rid of chatbox.
April 9, 2024:
-Added some pics of my cat Chester
April 11, 2024:
-Added some pics of my plants
April 27, 2024:
Added a links page to my Farscape page
May 4, 2024:
Added art to my Art page
May 5, 2024:
Changed the body background image and the main/sidebar background images.

To Do:
-Make a header for collections page