the entrance

the lack of capitalization and punctuation is just part of the aesthetic

for those who feel venturous, in this dangerous centralized internet...

hey, i go by lots of names online, but here i'll be nucleus ig, fun fact about me: my sanity is being held together by jazz and band-aids
i began working on this very recently, so there isn't much stuff to see yet, but feel free to visit back later, you might find something cool idk :)

$ 01-27-2024 - i've been wanting to add more content to the site for some time now, i'm thinking of something music related.. if you have cool ideas you could leave them in the chatbox so i can steal them

anyways, here's some links you might want to visit:
> cool links index
> chatbox
> guestbook

if you do have any suggestions, leave them in the chatbox, i'll read them, maybe
mr skelly boner says: click me to toggle the music!

[user@root ~]$ echo "never gonna give you up"

like (or hate) what you see? leave a message in the guestbook <3

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